Tomato(Thakkali) Kaara Chutney ( Spicy and simple Tomato Chutney) or can also call it as Red chutney

Remember few days back had posted Vellai Paniyaram and mentioned about the tomato kara chutney that goes well with it, and here I am with recipe. Got delayed in posting as had taken break and since last two weeks was fully occupied with kids as they had fallen sick one after the other and then me , next again the younger one. Now everything is back to normal and both are back to school. Next have to wait for the severe snow storm that is coming up tonight.

Here is the recipe for the Tomato kara chutney.

This chutney is ground in a raw form and tempered. If needed can temper and cook in low flame for few minutes.

Small onions - around 10
Ripe Tomatoes - 3
Red Chillies - 3 0r 4
Tamarind - 1 inch
Garlic - 3 or 4 flakes
Salt as needed

For tempering:-
Curry leaves - few
Mustard seeds and urad dhal - very few
Gingelly/ sesame seed oil - 2 tsp

Soak red chillies(try using bedigai red chillies if you can as they give a very nice red color to any dish) in water for 10 -15 minutes. Squeeze and drain. Peel onions and garlic. Roughly chop tomatoes and grind everything along with salt and tamarind. Avoid using water and add few drops only when needed.

Remove and temper with the tempering ingredients. If you feel they are very raw in taste, then all you can do is pour the ground paste after tempering and let it to boil/cook for few minutes.

26 comments/Reactions:

Shanavi said...

my fav for idli n dosa..love the colour..reminds me my hometown Padma...

Indian Cuisine Blogroll said...

Chutney looks yummy n spicy...

Unknown said...

tomato chutney is my fav....looks too good!

Priya Suresh said...

Spicy chutney makes me drool..love it..

Unknown said...

Really spicy chutney..We have also posted the recipe for tomato chutney, recipe is a bit difft though..Love this with idlis..

Swathi said...

Tomato chutney looks spicy and yummy.

Torviewtoronto said...

delicious tomato chutney

Sangeetha Nambi said...

Wow !! Am searching for this recipe Padma. Thanks for Posting it :)

Sangeetha Nambi said...

Wow !! Am searching for this recipe Padma. Thanks for Posting it :)

Aruna Manikandan said...

love this chutney with paniyaram...
looks delicious :)

Abhilash Pillai said...

I have seen amma prepare something similar to this, don't remember the recipe.

Good preparation.

Jayanthy Kumaran said...

Now I want my hot soft idlies to relish this hot n tempting chutney Padma..
Tasty appetite

Menaga Sathia said...

colourful n spicy chutney!!

Anonymous said...

easy and spicy chutney
nice color sister

Sangeetha Nambi said...

Hi Padma,
U have been awarded pls check it out :) Congrats and Keep Posting !!

Archana said...


Anonymous said...

hi Padma:
This looks fab ! sure to try with my dosa tomorrow :) btw, do visit my newly founded foodblog and leave ur comments / suggestions too :)
Best wishes

Treat and Trick said...

Lovely color and looks delicious...

LifenSpice said...

Looks yum!Kara chutney is always a fav with me:)

Panchpakwan said...

Kara chutney looks perfect and hot!!

Unknown said...

Drooling over it. I love these kind of chutneys.

Anonymous said...

உங்களுக்கு விருது வழங்கி இருக்கிறேன் பெற்றுகொள்ளவும்.

Charitha said...

Hi padma,i saw your interview on super blogger sunday article by simpleindianfood blog..that was so impressive..i like this chutney ..

there is an event going in my blog do participate



Sangeetha Nambi said...

Another award for u :)
Do collect it http://recipe-excavator.blogspot.com/2011/02/its-twin-awards.html

Raks said...

I love this a lot with paniyaram and hot crispy dosaa,looks awesome with its colour!

Sudar Jayabalan said...

very very nice and yummy taste remains of my mom's chutney taste........................

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